Multi Point Optical Monitor

Telemark Optical Monitor Multi-point

Optical monitoring in large area deposition systems requires a new innovative method to reduce cost and yet increase measurement performance.

The Telemark Optical Monitor represents that breakthrough in distributed monitoring techniques that both reduces cost and improves performance. This instrument is built upon an open SQL data base containing all the run and setup data allowing the user to easily configure the system, run it and access the run data either from the operating computer or from any computer on the network in real time. The system is application driven with an easy setup tool for configuration of each spectrometer in the system.

Large systems take advantage of the distributed nature of the monitor, placing optical modules at various locations on the coating system up to 300 meters from the control computer thereby reducing the cost of fiber optic cables.

  • Multiple Wavelength Analysis
  • Up to 32 measurement points
  • Transmission and Reflection
  • Trending of color and wavelength data
  • Complete Fixturing Process Support


Broadband spectrographic measurement allows the system to display wavelength versus transmission or reflection through the entire visible spectrum many times a second. Trending of calculated color and specific wavelengths allow the operator to control his process with ease. Set points can be configured to notify the operator when the controlled process is moving out of control so corrections can be made prior to loss of product. These same spectrographic measurements reduce the setup time of complex coatings by allowing laboratory quality measurements to be made in the coater during the setup process.

Dual and single beam modes are available for long production runs of many hours.

Automatic calibration and background functions are available for use between measurements of product.

Large easy to view displays provide at a glance understanding of where your process is going. Displays as large as 48” LCD’s are available.

Full integration to your coating system is provided with all necessary hardware, fixtures and digital interfaces. Process support is available from our experienced engineers and scientists to ensure maximum system effectiveness.

UV/Vis HR-200 - 850UV/Vis HR-200 -1100UV/Vis LR-350 -800NIR LR-900-2200
Spectrometer TypeAsymmetrical crossed Czerny-TurnerAsymmetrical crossed Czerny-TurnerAsymmetrical crossed Czerny-TurnerAsymmetrical crossed Czerny-Turner
Focal Length42 mm input; 68 mm output42 mm input; 68 mm output
Entrance Aperture25 µm wide slit25 µm wide slit25 µm wide slit25 µm wide slit
Grating600 L / mm, Blazed at 300 nm600 L / mm, Blazed at 300 nm100 L / mm
Wavelength Range200-850 nm200-1100 nm400-800 nm900-2200 nm
Pixel Resolution0.164 nm / pixel0.246 nm / pixel0.439 nm / pixel2.54 nm / pixel
Optical Resolution<1.5 nm FWHM<1.5 nm FWHM<1.5 nm FWHM<4.6 nm FWHM
Stray Light<0.05% at 600 nm; 0.10% 435 nm<0.05% at 600 nm; 0.10% 435 nmn/an/a
Signal to Noise ratio300:1 (at full signal)300:1 (at full signal)1500:1 (at full signal)>10,000:1 @ 100 ms integration
Integration Time3 ms - 10 seconds3 ms - 10 seconds10µs - 10 seconds1 ms -2 seconds
A/D Resolution16 bit16 bit14 bit16 bit
Dynamic Range1300:1 for a single acquisition1300:1 for a single acquisition4600:1 for a single acquisition1000:1 for a single acquisition
Detector3648 element CCD array3648 element CCD array1024 pixel linear CMOS512 pixel InGaAs linear array
Pixel Size8 μm x 200 μm8 μm x 200 μm7.8 x 125 µm25 µm x 250 µm
Typical Stability< .1% F.S. / Hour Single Beam< .1% F.S. / Hour Single Beam< .1% F.S. / Hour Single Beam
Computer to OM100 meters per leg100 meters per leg100 meters per leg10 meters per leg
Power Requirements100 – 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz100 – 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz100 – 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz100 – 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Light SourceThermally stabilized low voltage QH lampThermally stabilized low voltage QH lampThermally stabilized low voltage QH lampThermally stabilized low voltage QH lamp
Telemark Optical Monitor Chip Changer

Witness Glass Chip Changer

For in-situ optical monitoring it is often desirable to monitor coatings via. a witness chip assembly. The Telemark witness chip changer offers users reflection or transmission measurements. The witness chip magazine manages 50 optical monitoring positions.