Model 861 Deposition Controller
Telemark Press Release 9-3-2015
Telemark Announces the Model 861 Deposition Controller
Telemark is announcing a new deposition controller that is a direct replacement for existing Maxtek 360 and Telemark 860 deposition controllers.
The Process Recipes, I/O Settings and Physical Connections are all compatible with existing Maxtek 360/Telemark 860 units.
Telemark data exchange software will allow users to transfer all existing parameters.
Replacement of a failed controller now takes minutes compared to days of re-wiring and re-writing recipes and I/O programming.
The controller supports 6 MHz and 5 MHz operation (2) crystal sensors as standard and is expandable to (4) sensors.
A large color touch screen for front panel control and RS232 for remote operation makes this controller easy to use and integrate into your system.
The units are expandable for additional I/O that can be used for pocket indexing, sweep selection and other ancillary operations.
A Material Library with “user definable” parameters is held within the unit.
Please contact Telemark at for more information and to discuss your thin film process needs.